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Thank you for taking time to find out who I am, where I've been and where I can take us together with your support and vote.

As an 18 year resident of Manatee County in District 5, I have seen much of the same change in our area that you have. I consider myself a "change agent", but any change needs to benefit everyone. 

I have three main areas of concern that need immediate change of course:

  1. Our Quality of Life
  2. Our Property Rights
  3. Our Environment

My commitment to you: As I tour District 5, speak to residents at political party meetings, COA, HOA and CDD meetings and social gatherings in your neighborhoods, I will be listening and I will hear you.

Six questions for Manatee County Commission candidate Joe Di Bartolomeo

I have Qualified!!!

A huge thank you to all that have helped me get my petitions signed and those that signed the petitions.

Manatee County, and more specifically District 5 issues are not Left, Right or Center. They affect All of us. My campaign will not be involved pandering to extremes on either side of the political spectrum. There are enough issues facing us currently in Manatee County that we do not need to create solutions to problems that don't exist.

I would like to bring Responsibility, Accountability, Common Sense, Civility and Constituent Representation back to the Board of County Commissioners.

It is no secret to anyone reading this that campaigns take funding and resources to be successful. I am not being supported or funded by any organized political party. Please give thought to supporting me in any small way either with your time or financial resources. It's only with your assistance that I can have a seat at the table to represent your best interest.

My commitment to you: I will not take donations from LLCs or PACs that will guarantee my votes in favor of these special interest groups. If you would like to see how the campaign is shaping up with special interest funding, check out this link and look at the list of donors.

Please reach out to me and let's make this personal for all of us. Let's meet, greet and find common ground and solutions to stop the damage to all our communities that is being done by the current BOCC majority.

Joe Di Bartolomeo for County Commissioner

PO Box 21024

Bradenton, FL 34203



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paid for by Committee to Elect Joe Di Bartolomeo for Manatee County Commissioner District 5
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